
What happens if you kill the Mutant Girl in Sons of The Forest?

Sons Of The Forest Kill Mutant Girl Virginia
Screenshot by PC Invasion

While playing Sons of the Forest, you might come across a peculiar sight: a woman in a bathing suit just walking around without a care in freezing cold temperatures. But the strangest part is that she has three arms and three legs. Is she friend or foe? Here’s our Sons of the Forest guide to help explain what happens if you kill the Mutant Girl, Virginia, in the game.

Note: For more information, check out our Sons of the Forest guides and features hub.

What happens if you kill Virginia, the Mutant Girl, in Sons of the Forest

Virginia is the name of the Mutant Girl in Sons of the Forest. She shows up early in the campaign, around the second day after you crash land. In fact, you’ll stumble upon her near the helicopter crash site. As you approach, she’ll raise her hands to fend you off, though she’ll end up running away. Here’s the thing: when you first see her, you won’t really know if she’s a friend or foe. And, because the island is crawling with mutant hordes, you might think that she’s just like them.

Sons Of The Forest Kill Mutant Girl Virginia 1

Screenshot by PC Invasion: Virginia will run away whenever you approach her.

There’s a good chance that this will lead to a chase and some player might accidentally hit her. So, what happens if you attack or kill Virginia in Sons of the Forest? Well, there are a few outcomes:

  • If you attack her a few times, she’ll drop to a wounded state, though she can be revived. She will still continue to escape, though.
  • If you end up killing her, then she’s gone. She and Kelvin are similar in that they’ll be permanently dead if you decide to be cruel.

If you don’t kill her and you manage to get on her good graces, Virginia can actually become a companion. She’s even better than Kelvin since she can wield weapons to take out your foes.

Related: How to control Kelvin in Sons of The Forest – Companion guide

Sons Of The Forest Kill Mutant Girl Virginia 3

Screenshot by PC Invasion: If you kill Virginia, you’ll lose out on a chance to make her your companion.

Sons of the Forest is available via Steam.

Jason Rodriguez
About The Author
Jason Rodriguez is a guides writer. Most of his work can be found on PC Invasion (around 3,400+ published articles). He's also written for IGN, GameSpot, Polygon, TechRaptor, Gameskinny, and more. He's also one of only five games journalists from the Philippines. Just kidding. There are definitely more around, but he doesn't know anyone. Mabuhay!