
How to get Armor in BattleBit Remastered

How to get Armor in BattleBit Remastered
Image by PC Invasion

BattleBit Remastered is taking the shooter world by storm with its cute, simple graphics and epic 254-player battles. One thing that quickly becomes apparent after a few matches is how complex BattleBit’s systems really are. Armor is one of those systems, and it’s far deeper than most players realize. In this guide, I’ll show you how to get Armor in BattleBit Remastered, how to equip it, and how to unlock different types. Armor is only half the battle when it comes to staying alive. If health and healing have you stumped, check out our guide.

How to get Armor in BattleBit Remastered

How to get Armor in BattleBit Remastered

Image by PC Invasion

Although it may not feel like it as you die so fast, you already have Armor on when you play BattleBit Remastered. Each class has several Armor options, with more available as you continue to play.

To change your Armor, press the ‘Character’ button in the bottom left of the map screen. This menu is useable when the round starts and when you’re waiting to respawn. In the Character screen, you can alter several parts of your soldier’s outfit, including Chest Armor. Hover over different body parts with your cursor to see the available customizations. You won’t have many options as a new player, but more choices will unlock as you keep playing.

Some customizations in this menu are just cosmetic, but many provide perks. Armor, in particular, can dramatically alter how your soldier feels to control. Usually, durable Armor comes with significant penalties to Running and Aiming speeds. You may be able to survive more shots, but you still need a steady hand to return fire and turn a gunfight around.

There are some niche choices to consider as well. The Engineer, for example, can opt to have ‘Empty’ Armor. Naturally, this means you’ll die very quickly if you get shot, but you’ll move and aim so fast that it could be a fair trade-off.

What’s the best Armor in BattleBit Remastered?

How to get Armor in BattleBit Remastered

Image by PC Invasion

As BattleBit Remastered is brand new, there’s no meta concerning Armor yet. I’ve experimented with heavier Armor and am not too fond of the movement and aiming penalties. The ability to ADS and reposition quickly seems very powerful in BattleBit Remastered, but as we’re all beginners, there’s no better time to experiment. If you want to try heavier Armor right away, the Support class comes with it as the default.

Can I create a loadout before I enter a game?

Unfortunately, you can’t play around with your character loadouts from the main menu. I would be surprised if that doesn’t get changed in the future, but any changes you make to your classes persist between rounds.

Anthony Yates
About The Author
Anthony is a freelance writer for PC Invasion and has worked in the industry for three years. He's furiously competitive and is always looking for the next big multiplayer hit. Anthony thrives in high-stakes games like Escape From Tarkov and Sea of Thieves. He is also passionate about speedrunning and always looks forward to the next GDQ and ESA events. When he's not grinding leaderboards, Anthony enjoys visiting Arcades, retro gaming, and horror movies.