
How to level up fast in BattleBit Remastered

How To Level Up Fast In Battlebit Remastered Featured Image
Screenshot via PC Invasion

Leveling up in BattleBit: Remastered is easy but can take some time. Like Battlefield, the indie shooter has many options other than just shooting enemies. You can do a number of things that will get you leveling quickly, some can be challenging while others can be fun. While there are many ways of progressing in BattleBit: Remastered, I’ve found the fastest. This, in turn, has made me adapt better to the hardcore playstyle of the game, and earn more weapons. If you want to join me, then read this guide on how to level up fast in BattleBit: Remastered.

BattleBit: Remastered: How to level up fast

Normally, you can shoot enemies just like in any first-person shooter, and the result is earning some XP.  You can still do this in BattleBit: Remaserted, but you won’t level up as fast. Below is a glance at the fastest ways I’ve found to level up.

  • Play the objectives
  • Opt to use support classes like the medic
  • Play on smaller maps

Now, let’s dive into why these methods work well.

Playing the objective: This rule is very much the same as it is in Battlefield. When you capture the point or detonate one, you get a ton of XP out of it. The same applies to BattleBit: Remastered. On top of that, all the modes in the game are objective-based, so as long as you’re completing them, you’ll level up quickly.

Opt to use support classes like the medic: Again, this game borrows a lot from Battlefield. If you drop ammo and heal other players, you’ll earn XP. So if you play support in BattleBit: Remastered by dropping ammo, and heal consistently, you’ll level up faster than light. Playing a support class such as the medic gives you bandages. Make sure they’re equipped in your load-out first before going into a game.

Play on smaller maps: I may sound like a broken record at this point, but BattleBit: Remastered follows this mechanic as well from Battlefield. You can play on large 127 v 127 or on the small 32 v 32 modes. Playing on the bigger modes can be fun, but expect to run around a lot doing nothing since the maps are larger. You’ll be roaming for some time before finding someone. Consider playing on smaller maps, because the fights are more concentrated. The chance of running into an enemy is high, and if you chain those kills together, you may level up quickly in BattleBit: Remastered.

BattleBit: Remastered is in early access via Steam.

Raza Malik
About The Author
Raza is a Contributing Writer who's been at PC Invasion since March 2023. After he earned his Media Arts degree at Niagara College, he went on to grow his portfolio by working at such publications as GameRant. While he plays a wide array of different types of games, Raza enjoys discussing open-world games, shooters, and live service games. Some of his favorite series include Assassin's Creed, God of War, and the Diablo series. On the side, he enjoys editing videos, and creating content for his side project Marching Into Madness.