
Can you run Hogwarts Legacy on Steam Deck?

Can you run Hogwarts Legacy on Steam Deck?

Hogwarts Legacy is out now and has seen incredible success since launching. However, there is a question on the mind of a number of people still on the fence: does Hogwarts Legacy run on Steam Deck?

According to the game’s Steam page, Valve says the game is fully verified to be played on the handheld computer. “Valve’s testing indicates that Hogwarts Legacy is verified on Steam Deck,” the company stated. “This game is fully functional on Steam Deck, and works great with the built-in controls and display.”

Steam Deck Installing Epic Games Store

Image via Valve

How is Hogwarts Legacy verified for Steam Deck?

To be verified on Steam Deck, a game has to pass a number of tests that Valve puts in place. Those tests include the game’s complete functionality being accessible via the system’s default controller configuration, visible Steam Deck controller icons, legible in-game text, and good default graphic configuration performance.

The one thing to note, however, is that the game requires an active internet connection when it’s first loaded on Steam Deck. It’s also worth mentioning, to get the best performance and battery life out of a game the size of Hogwarts Legacy, some settings are worth adjusting. One of which is capping the framerate at 30 frames per second on your Steam Deck. Doing so will add a decent amount of play time while on the go. Still, it’s always recommended to keep a power bank or your charger handy if you want a long play session.

PC Invasion’s review of Hogwarts Legacy says the game will leave players “spellbound.”

“If you’re a fan of the Harry Potter novels and films, then Hogwarts Legacy is like stepping into a dreamscape where those forms of media are captured in vivid video game glory,” Jason Rodriguez wrote.

Hogwarts Legacy is out now for PC and other platforms. The previous-gen version of the game launches in April while the Nintendo Switch version releases in July.

Mike Straw
About The Author
Michael Straw is a gamer who just happens to be an experienced journalist. In his near decade-long career, Mike has covered some of the biggest events in the world from E3 to the NFL Draft. He was once the second-ranked player in the world in NHL 09 on Xbox Live, and is a trained professional wrestler. In addition to being the Hardware Editor of PCI, Mike is also the Managing Editor of Sports Gamers Online.